Come and join us in the First Committee Room on Friday 14th March for a simple soup lunch to mark Lent Family Fast Day.  The Catholic Women's League will be serving home-made soup from 12 noon to 2pm.  All proceeds will go to CAFOD.


Our next talk takes place on Wednesday 12 March at 7:30pm at St Teresa's Church in Beaconsfield (HP9 2PL).  The topic is '“Judge not that you may not be judged” (Matthew 25:36)

Mass Times

Weekday morning Masses are 7am in the Oratory and 9am in St Joseph’s Church. Masses and services taking place at St Joseph's Church continue to be broadcast via our live stream.

St Joseph’s Church is open daily for morning Mass and remains open throughout the day until 5:30pm.  On Saturdays the church is closed after the evening Mass.  You are most welcome to visit the church to say a prayer or light a candle.

Parish Newsletter

The Parish Office is now manned three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by volunteers, see times below:

  • Monday from 9am until 12 noon
  • Wednesday from 9am until 12 noon
  • Friday from 10am until 12 noon

If you want to get a Mass Card, arrange a Mass, add someone to the Bidding Prayers, book an appointment, make an enquiry, collect forms/letters and so forth, someone will be on hand at the reception desk during these times to help you.


St Joseph's is providing a live online streaming service.  The area within the church that is streamed is shown above.  If you are within this area then it will be possible to see you over the internet.

Our services are lived streamed only at present and will not be available for download.

Click on the WHITE forward arrow  in the church image BELOW to begin viewing the Live Stream.


Our parish relies on each and every one of us to thrive and do God’s work.  Whatever your age or situation, we need your time and skills to make a difference.  Whether you have time to give weekly, monthly or on an ad-hoc basis, we do need you.




St Joseph’s:  Vigil Mass (Saturday) 5:30pm, Sunday 7:45am, 9am, 11am and 5:30pm 
Holy Name:  9:30am 
Bridgettine Convent:  Vigil Mass (Saturday) at 4:30pm, Sunday at 9am 


St Joseph’s:  Monday to Friday at 7am and 9am, Saturday and Bank Holidays at 10am
Mass times vary in the summer and on special occasions, please see our newsletter for updated times.


St Joseph’s:  7am (Oratory), 9am and 7.30pm