

We are currently looking for catechists to help with Children’s Liturgy, the Baptismal, First Holy Communion and Confirmation Programmes. If you are interested, please contact Fr Jerome and/or Fr Bob via the Parish Office.



Parents wishing to have their child(ren) baptised are invited to register their children online.  Please click here to register.  Please complete a separate form for each child who is to be baptised.  This information will be received by our Baptism Coordinator.  She will pass this to our Parish Priest who will then ask a priest to arrange to meet with you. 

Please do not arrange a family celebration until the date of your baptism has been confirmed by the Priest.

If you have any questions or require assistance in completing the form then please email our Baptism Coordinator Please provide a telephone number in your email. Thank you



The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at St Joseph’s on Saturday mornings from 10.30am to 11am in the church.

Confession is also available by appointment at the Priory throughout the week.



Mass times in our parish can be found here.

Eucharistic Ministers take Communion to the sick, housebound or those unable to join with the parish community at Mass.  Please notify the Parish Office if a family member would like a visit.



Every autumn, children in Year 3 or above are invited to register for the programme.  This is advertised in the Mass announcements, the parish newsletter and on the parish website.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2025: There will be an Open Meeting for Holy Communion on Monday 7 October at 7:30pm in the First Committee Room. This will be led by Fr Jerome who will outline the plans and expectations for our 2025 programme. Sessions will begin mid-November and run fortnightly on Saturday afternoons during term time until mid-June. Online registration will open on Wednesday 9 October and close on Wednesday 23 October for those who wish to enrol their child in this programme.
Click here for information about COMMUNION 2025.


Young people in Year 9 or above who want to make a commitment to becoming part of the Church are offered a multi-week learning programme. They are taught about some of the central aspects of our faith and have a chance to experience God. During the programme the young people have the opportunity to attend a Diocesan-wide retreat day for Confirmation candidates. Registration takes place in early autumn.  

CONFIRMATION 2025: There will be an Open Meeting for Confirmation on Tuesday 8 October at 7:30pm in the First Committee Room. This will be led by Fr Jerome who will outline the plans and expectations for our 2025 programme. Sessions will begin mid-November and run fortnightly on Saturday afternoons during term time until early-July. Online registration will open on Wednesday 9 October and close on Wednesday 23 October for those who wish to enrol their child in this programme.
Click here for information about CONFIRMATION 2025.



Couples should contact the Parish Office about their wedding to make the initial arrangements. They are then invited to meet with a priest who explains what documents are required and outlines what preparation is necessary. Normally a minimum of six months notice is required.



Anointing of the Sick is administered to the dying as well as those who are gravely ill or are about to undergo a serious operation for the recovery of their health and for spiritual strength. It is available by contacting one of the priests at the Priory. Families of those in hospital or care homes may request this sacrament on the individual’s behalf.

At certain points throughout the year, there is Mass with the Sacrament of Anointing and the opportunity for prayer. All of us need healing be it in mind, body or spirit so everyone is most welcome to attend.