200 Club


Thank you to all those who participated in St Joseph’s 200 Club in the last year. It’s now time to renew or join for 2024/25. New members are very welcome and existing members are encouraged to re-subscribe.

The 200 Club brings members together to take part in a parish fundraiser through a monthly prize draw. Annual membership remains at £120 for entry into all twelve monthly draws for the year (July 2024 to June 2025). All proceeds are split 50:50 between parish funds and monthly member prizes and this year the money will go to support the administrative costs of the new Parish Community Hall project.

St Joseph’s 200 Club General Membership Information:

  • The 200 Club is an annual members’ prize draw club, with a maximum of 200 members. It is a parish fundraiser event with draws held monthly.
  • Membership is £120 for the membership year, which provides each member with entry into 12 monthly draws.
  • Currently the year runs from July through to June.  
  • All proceeds are split 50:50 between parish funds and member prizes. Previously the scheme was very popular and when the full subscription of 200 members was reached, raised £12,000 for parish funds.
  • The members prize-fund is 50% of proceeds, so if fully subscribed, the 1st prize is £500, 2nd prize is £250, 3rd prize is £150 and 4th prize is £100 for each monthly draw. Prizes are pro-rated if there are fewer than 200 members.
  • Member prizes each month are paid by cheque.
  • Members may purchase more than one membership if desired, subject to availability.
  • New memberships are currently available for a pro rata payment for the remaining draws.

Please contact Alastair, the club administrator, at 200club@stjosephs.org.uk to register your interest and/or ask any questions. Alternatively pick up and complete a form from the church porch and drop it into the Priory letterbox or send it to the Parish Office.

Thank you to all members for your support. The 200 Club has been one of the main fundraisers for our parish and your membership will make a significant contribution to parish funds.