Weekday morning Masses are 7am in the Oratory and 9am in St Joseph’s Church. Masses and services taking place at St Joseph's Church continue to be broadcast via our live stream.

St Joseph’s Church is open daily for morning Mass and remains open throughout the day until 5:30pm.  On Saturdays the church is closed after the evening Mass.  You are most welcome to visit the church to say a prayer or light a candle.

OFFERINGSGiving plate

If you are able to support our parish financially, this will greatly help us.

Mass Readings

The Sunday and daily mass readings be found here, on the Universalis website.

Fr Jerome and some of his fellow Scriptural Scholars share Sunday and Weekday Reflections on YouTube which you are invited to watch/listen to. Click here for Verse for the Day and click here for Sunday Reflection.


Mass Times at St Joseph's Church

Monday to Friday at 7am (in the Oratory) and 9am

Saturday at 10am and 5:30pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday)

Sunday at 7:45am, 9am, 11am and 5:30pm

Holy Days at 7am, 9am and 7:30pm

Bank Holidays at 10am

Mass Times at The Most Holy Name Church

Sunday at 9:30am

Mass Times at the Bridgettine Convent

Saturday at 4:30pm (Vigil Mass for Sunday)

Sunday at 9am

Returning to Mass

The Catholic Bishops of England and Wales met in Wales for their plenary meeting in May 2022 and announced that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass would return at Pentecost. The obligation had been removed at the start of the pandemic in March 2020.  Click here to read the full Resolution approved by the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference.


Individual Confessions take place every Saturday from 10:30am until 11am in St Joseph’s Church. They are held in the confessional with the priest sitting on one side and the penitent sitting on the other side.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available throughout the week by appointment. The priests are very happy to meet with anyone if they wish to receive this sacrament.  Please call the Priory on 01753 886581 to make the arrangements.