LIVE STREAM - click the arrow in image of the Church BELOW to view the Live Stream

St Joseph's is providing a live online streaming service.  The area within the church that is streamed is shown above.  If you are within this area then it will be possible to see you over the internet.

Our services are lived streamed only at present and will not be available for download.

Click on the WHITE forward arrow  in the church image BELOW to begin viewing the Live Stream.

IF the live stream is down, please click here to report the problem.  The Northampton Cathedral Live Streaming can be found here.

OFFERINGSGiving plate

If you are able to support our parish financially, this will greatly help us.


DECEMBER 2024 – PARISH FINANCES:  Thanks to each and every one of you for increasing your donations after the appeal that was made back in March, and thank you for all you do to support the parish.  This year there is a projected shortfall in our day-to-day finances of approximately £30,000 to the end of March 2025, since – as with all families – all our costs have increased significantly over recent years.  In order to make sure that the parish in future will not find itself in this difficult situation, we should all perhaps consider increasing our regular giving by between £15 and £20 each month (that’s about £5 per week).  This would help get the parish finances back on a firmer footing. Furthermore, to gift aid your contributions is a good way of getting the parish 25% more from the Government.  Thank you for reading this and we greatly appreciate your continued support.


The 7am morning Mass on weekdays takes place in the Oratory which means this Mass will not be visible on the live stream.


Emmaus Scripture Talks

Our next talk takes place on Wednesday 5 February at 7.30pm. The topic is ‘Proclaiming the Lord’s Favour (Luke 4:19)’, a biblical background in light of the Jubilee Year.  The speaker is Bishop David Oakley.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS TALK LIVE [link not yet available].