Registration for our First Reconciliation and First Communion Programme is now OPEN.  

As a Sacramental Preparation Team, we have had time to reflect and raise questions.  One such question is: why do we receive the sacrament, is it to help the candidates embrace their faith or simply for formality?  Our conclusion is that we should help people on their sacramental journey, to know their faith and to have a personal experience of Jesus.

Parents sessions have been included this year to make our catechesis more encompassing.  Is it not true that some of our parents have not had time to reflect on their faith since their own First Communion or Confirmation?  This approach gives them an opportunity to reconsider their own faith and not just that of their children.  It also means they accompany their children throughout the programme and can help and encourage them as they would with their schoolwork.

The Registration Form asks that you have read the following information, acknowledge receipt of the schedule and understand the expectations:

  • Details of the programme, with dates, an overview of the preparation sessions and expectations may be found here (2 pages).
  • Sessions will be on Sunday mornings during 9am Mass during term time.  Attendance at the monthly Children's Mass is expected.  There are five Family Sessions on Saturday afternoons which both parents and children attend.
  • The online registration may be found here.
  • The fee is £50 for each child.  This includes all books, materials, supplies and the First Communion Day itself.  A separate email will be sent with information on how to pay.  No one will be disadavantaged if they are unable to contribute in full. 

The deadline for registration is Monday 11 December.  This gives us time to order the resources for the start of the sessions.

DATE NOW AGREED:  First Holy Communion will be on Saturday, 8th June 2024. Time TBA.

Questions?  Email the team at

The Christian home is the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family home is rightly called "the domestic church," a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 1666


Picture Credit:  aalmeidah from